Sitemate Technologies التطبيقات

Dashpivot 21.7.3
Sitemate Technologies
Dashpivot enables thousands of engineers, foremen andprojectmanagers to streamline their forms, photos and workflows -makingthem smarter and more productive on site and in the office,everyday. Improve your daily work and remove unnecessary admin fromyourschedule with Dashpivot’s user friendly app: - Job sitephotocollection and recording: Take photos and videos directly intheapp which are instantly uploaded to your cloud-based libraryandorganised by simple tags for easy traceability - Formmanagementand completion: Choose, edit and complete smart formswhich arealways accessible, easy to fill out, instantly cloneable,and canbe signed off on tablet or mobile - Workflow automation:Automateworkflows like permits and approvals with digitalsignatures tokeep work moving along quickly and keep everyone onprojects andteams informed Dashpivot works online and offline (whenyou don’thave the internet) so that you can get your work donemoreefficiently from anywhere. Capture and create new informationifyou're underground or out of service, and it willautomaticallysync when you return to data or wifi. Built for theindustries(construction, infrastructure, power, mining, oil and gas&more) and designed to work for and across allfunctions(commercial, production, quality, safety, enviro,geotechnical,financial), Dashpivot enables engineers, foremen, andprojectmanagers and their companies to get their jobs donemoreefficiently: Your quality management app: - Quality inspections-Defect reports - Punch lists - RFIs - Quality toolbox talksYoursafety management app: - Safety checklists - Safety reports-Safety incident reporting - Safety inspections -Safetyobservations - Safety toolbox talks - Safety inductions -Safetymeetings - Safety Permit workflows Your commercial managementapp:- Record and organise meeting minutes - Daily constructionreports- Daily construction management and records - Punch listsand snaglists - Markup photos and record videos - Construction sitediaries- Site instructions Your production management app: - Dailyandmonthly progress reports - Shift handover reports - Timeandmaterials summary - Shift reports Your environmentalmanagementapp: - Environmental inspections - Environmentalobservations -Environmental reports - Environmental toolbox talks -Environmentalmeetings - Environmental Permit workflows Your geotechmanagementapp: - Geotech permit workflows - Test results -Inspection report- Geotech camera with detailed image markup andvideo Dashpivotsoftware is also available on the web (website),where you haveeven more powerful functionality: - An easy-to-usedrag-and-dropdocument builder to create any kind of form - Amassive library offree forms to choose from - See a real-time feedof all of you andyour team's activity - Get new insights fromcustom dashboards andautomated charts showing you personalprogress, productivity andother insights Dashpivot is structuredaround the daily jobs ofpeople, projects and teams - not bulkydocument repositories. Getstarted with the industries most flexibleproject management appfor free - and start saving yourself time,money, paper, and abunch of headaches. Have a question or want tolearn more? Email usat Or visit to chat live now
Sitemate 21.4.2
Sitemate Technologies
The Sitemate App enables any field worker to create a freeandsecure digital ID card which they can use to easily signdocumentsand/or submit forms electronically. The Sitemate App'scontactlesssignoff works via the scanning of a workers unique QRcode, whichcan be scanned by any devices default camera toinstantly stamptheir signature and details onto any form or process- includingtoolbox talks, tailgate meetings, pre starts and methodstatements(RAMS / SWMS). The form submission feature of the app canbe usedby contractors, subcontractors and external visitors forsinglesubmission forms as well as by internal staff and operatorsforongoing processes including timesheets, pre starts, and JSAs.Eachworker with the Sitemate App will have an automated log of allofthe forms they have submitted. Customisable forms can be sharedanddistributed from Dashpivot to the Sitemate App via QR codepostersor weblinks, eliminating paperwork, lost or misplacedinformationand manual data entry. The Sitemate App worksexclusively withDashpivot, which is a digital document automationplatformindustrial companies use to streamline their processes.Dashpivotis also built and maintained by the Sitemate team.